Forward to Mobile when Site Unavailable

Power outages or temporary internet connectivity issues at your premises can be a nuisance, but you don’t need to worry about losing customers. ArenimTel can be configured to automatically forward calls to a mobile number in such circumstances, so you can keep taking...

Call Center Emergency Solutions

In case an emergency arises at your premises that prevents on-site work from continuing, ArenimTel offers multiple options for dealing with the situation. If you are able and willing to take calls on your cellphone, activating emergency forwarding will immediately...

Use Green Numbers with your PBX

Gain a competitive edge and make a lasting impression on your customers by allowing them to call your customer service free of charge through a “green number”. When calling green numbers, fees are charged to the callee instead of the caller – customers / patients...

Manage Domestic Landlines and Phone Numbers

Any Hungarian domestic landline can be connected with ArenimTel’s PBX services. Currently, we are partners with the following qualified telecommunications service providers in Hungary:   ​ We are also available to assist you in porting your numbers to a new...